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Kellie Hootman

Superstar Consultant


My Story

I never thought I would be selling Scentsy. I mean Scentsy has been around forever. They have too many consultants already...right? Everyone has their own Scentsy person...right? The scent bars at Wal-Mart are the same thing as Scentsy .....right? You can only have so much Scentsy...right? Boy was I wrong about everything!! Although Scentsy does have many consultants that are amazing, they did not have me!! And you know what? I did not have a regular Scentsy gal, so why did I assume everyone else did? And do not even get me started on comparing Wal-Mart or other Scents to Scentsy! They are definitely not the same by a long shot!! I honestly started this journey out to save myself some money on my own Scentsy stash and light bulbs of all things!! But here I am now killing it!!
Scentsy has so much more than just Scent bars and warmers(although they are amazing!!). I am a huge supporter of the Laundry Line! I love pairing up the great scents offered. The Cleaning Products are my newest discovery! Surprisingly but not surprisingly, they do an outstanding job cleaning while making my home smell amazing!! Have you tried the body products??? If you haven't you need to ask me about them!!
I could talk to you forever about how Scentsy is helping me save money, earn extra cash for the fun things in my life and sometimes the necessities. I mainly do online facebook parties and my local peeps keep me busy. I can do this hustle from my kids ball games, my bed, at work in my off time...anywhere my phone or computer can go. I am glad you have stopped to take the time to read my story. And since you did, I am betting you must be interested in Scentsy in one way or another. Purchasing? Hosting? Joining?Whatever it is, just ask me! Since you are here, be sure to check out my website!

What's warming in my home